Untuk mendownload fail˛, upload, membuat post atau membalas post,
anda hendaklah login sebagai ahli.
1. Daftar sebagai Ahli V.Forum - Sekiranya anda belum menjadi ahli forum, silalah register
sila pastikan anda:
- mengisi semua kotak kosong..
- menulis Image Verification & menjawab Random Question dgn betul..
- dan Tick - I have read, and agree..
2. Aktifkan Keahlian Anda - Selepas berjaya register sebagai ahli forum:
- sila cek emel anda utk Aktifkan Keahlian (Activate Membership) anda..!!
- link dari emel akan membawa anda ke login page, sila login (keahlian anda sudah aktif).
note: selagi anda tidak Aktifkan Keahlian, anda tidak dapat mendownload & post..
3. Dah Daftar, Dah Login, Tapi Masalah Tak Boleh Download - Masalah 'Security Token Invalid'
- pastikan anda LOGIN DULU SEBELUM Klik button Download..!!
- kalau anda terus gelojoh Klik Button Download dulu kemungkinan error 'Security Token Invalid' akan keluar, sebab sistem forum telah mengesan anda sebagai 'Non-Member (guest)', walaupon anda Login selepas itu sebab sistem dah blocked access.. - kalau anda dah sedia Logged in, sila kembali semula ke forum page logo yang anda nak download tu, dan REFRESH / RELOAD page tersebut 2, 3 kali untuk pastikan anda dah Logged in, kalau belum sila Login dulu sebelum Download.
- kalau 'Back button' browser anda tak berfungsi (klik back pon tak boleh), sebab sistem dah blocked access, maka KLIK & HOLD 'Back button' tu sampai keluar 'Drop down List history' page˛ sebelum dan select page logo tadi tu.. - kalau masalah tetap sama, Logout dulu (sekiranya anda dah sedia Login), dan ReLogin semula..!! Dah Logged in baru Download..
insyllh sukses, harap membantu..
kalau ada masalah lain berkaitan download, sila post di sini ↓
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To use this forum - downloads, uploads, posts or reply,
you must login as member.
1. Register As Member - If you are not yet a member of the forum, please register
kindly make sure:
- to completes the registration form..
- writes the Image Verification & answer the Random Question correctly..
- and Tick - I have read, and agree..
2. Activate your Membership - After successfully registered:
- please check your email to Activate your Membership..
- follow the link given in the email to go to the login page, login (your membership activated)
[COLOR=#a9a9a9]note: you'll not be able to download & make post if you're not yet activate your membership..
3. Already Registered and Logged In - 'Security Token Invalid' problem..
- make sure to always LOGIN FIRST BEFORE u click the Download button..!!
- if u clicked the Download button first, 'Security Token Invalid' error may appear, because the forum system was detected u as a 'guest', not 'member', even though u Logged in afterward.. so try to go back to the page where u found the logo, and Referesh / Reload the page (if u sure u're already Logged in).
- if the same problem still occur, try to Logout first (if u're already Logged in), and ReLogin back..!! lets try test & see..
hope that helps..
if you have any other download problems, please post it here ↓