Tuah Hakim (09-30-2011)
aku nak credit gak...haha..
aku da agak mesti ade something wrong apsal TH offer tmpt job lame die...
hahah..kompeni tu output machine sndri ke?
Tuah Hakim (09-30-2011)
dapat 10 credit tuuu.. bleh wat IDD call tak??
Graphics | Designs | Prints : http://www.creativcolor.blogspot.com
:::::::::::::::::::::::::: trying to be helpful & trying to be useful ::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Tuah Hakim (09-30-2011)
pis....XD kipas KDK kat umah aku pun susah mati gak..
klw mati, ade antu kat umah aku yg tutup kipas tu..haha..mlalut lak ni..
cik asrie> byk dgriklan dlm radio nih... ish3...
-5 credit! =P
macam kompeni meksis pulak kamu ni tuah hakim..
Graphics | Designs | Prints : http://www.creativcolor.blogspot.com
:::::::::::::::::::::::::: trying to be helpful & trying to be useful ::::::::::::::::::::::::::
tax will follow you!
huh! nanti aku nk roger ladyboss tuh hamba Allah mana la yang bertuah dpt kerja kat situ!
plus, leh la aku kenalkan ex-gf a.k.a "kipas Susah Mati" aku tuh...