asrie (05-25-2011), creativcolor (05-12-2011), hunter1 (01-28-2012), kubigs (05-18-2011), KuRtAzuandy (05-26-2011), lehe (07-02-2015)
mari try test DSLR Camera online.. utk lebih mudah faham cara guna & setting DSLR camera dgn mengadjust lighting, ISO, Aperture, Shutter speed in Mode:
- M (manual)
- Av (Aperture value)
- Tv (Time value / shutter priority)
lunch simulator
credit to:
asrie (05-25-2011), creativcolor (05-12-2011), hunter1 (01-28-2012), kubigs (05-18-2011), KuRtAzuandy (05-26-2011), lehe (07-02-2015)
macamana la dorg bina website nie yea?
Graphics | Designs | Prints :
:::::::::::::::::::::::::: trying to be helpful & trying to be useful ::::::::::::::::::::::::::
lunch ke launch? hehe...ape2 hal pun chareeeee....stail
fqemo (05-25-2011)
dieorg pakai flash application... version latest neh lagi menarik.. ari tuh aku ade pegi roadshow dieorg kat KL Conversion Centre... CS 5.5 gile kentang byk features yang best... join ngan
join jgn tak join
vectorism (07-06-2011)