Downloads: Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

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Uploaded by xwormz - 12-29-2011
Author Author xwormz
File Size File Size 991.8 KB
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This is the vector file's info and the sample preview of the Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia's logo. You're advised to login to download the vector logo, (register as member if you're not).. or simply download the vector logo as non member.

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) or Indonesia University of Education is one of the oldest universities in Indonesia. It was founded under the name of Perguruan Tinggi Pendidikan Guru (PTPG) or Teachers Education College on October 24, 1954 based on the Decree of Minister of Education, Pedagogy, and Culture No. 38742/Kab. dated September 1, 1954. It was then revised by the Decree No. 40719/s dated July 6, 1956 indicating the establishment of three PTPGs in three areas in Indonesia, i.e., PTPG Batusangkar (West Sumatera), PTPG Malang (East Java), and PTPG Bandung (West Java).

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